Stop paying too much rent!
Use our service to find out if you are illegally overpaying for your home
Rent Reduction
A landlord is not allowed to ask more than a certain amount for your room or apartment. This maximum rental price can be calculated on the basis of a legal point system. Schedule a rent check with Frently to find out if you are paying too much rent. A rent check is free of charge and without any obligations.
Rent Increase
Landlords are not allowed to increase your rental price. They can only do so if your current rent is below the legal maximum price for your accommodation. Did you receive a rent increase letter? Send us an email and we will help you find out whether the increase is illegal. If so, we make sure to prevent the increase from happening.
Service Costs
At the end of each year your landlord should provide you with an overview of the services he/she provided. The overpaid advance payments should then be paid back to you. If you never received money back for 2019, 2020 and 2021, you have the right to reclaim these overpaid costs (even after moving out).
How it all started...
It all started in 2010, when founder Denise Zonnebeld had a dispute with her own landlord. She was renting an 8 m2 room for a monthly fee of 300 euros. She figured this might be too high. Then she started a investigating the Dutch rental price law. Based on these rules, Denise’s room was supposed to cost only 200 euros. On top of that, her landlord refused to repair the defects in her house, so her rental price was reduced to only 35 euros per month.
When her friends found out about the reduction, they asked Denise if she could do the same for their rental prices. Then also friends of her friends started to contact Zonnebeld, which is how ‘Bekijk het!’ was born in 2010; a Rental Law Consultancy based in Groningen, for people experiencing the same problems.
Because of the growing number of international students who needed help with their rental problems, and who obviously struggled to pronounce the Dutch name ‘Bekijk het!’, the company changed it’s name in 2014. If you look at our logo closely, you will see then name comes from merging friendly and rent into the carefully chosen name; ‘Frently’.
Frequently asked questions
In the Netherlands there is a law that sets a maximum permitted rental price per room or apartment. Depending on the size and facilities present in your house, you will get more or less points. To a certain amount of points, corresponds a certain rental price. If you are currently paying more rent than the legally permitted maximum, you are entitled to get a reduction.
Besides, if you are paying service costs to your landlord, note that these costs are always considered an advance payment. At the end of each year, you should receive an overview of the actual costs and consumption. If you paid more than you consumed, you have to get your money back.
At Frently you only pay after a successful repayment or reduction. Frently works with a system in which the compensation of our services is linked to 33% of the result of a case. This fee excludes VAT.
The compensation we ask for will be deducted from the (overpaid) amount which is transferred to us by the landlord. This way you don’t need to transfer any money from your own bank account.
Yes, in principle anyone can get a rent reduction.
There are a few exceptions to this main rule. For example, if your rental price is currently below the legally permitted maximum or if your house is worth more than 144 points.
A lot of people think that a rent reduction is only possible if they are renting from a rental agency. This is a misconception. Especially private landlords tend to charge way too much rent.
Your landlord can not kick you out if you decide to start a rent reduction procedure. A landlord can only terminate your rental contract if he/she has a valid legal termination ground. On top of this your landlord needs the permission from a judge to end your rental contract.
A contract that mentions a maximum rental period is often not valid. Feel free to send us your rental contract to find out what type of rental contract you signed.
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